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By Union of Excellence, Sept 28, 2020


Edamey Hugentobler 


Model & Influencer


Fashion Industry


Accredited under the UNOFEX Standards of Excellence 

Edamey Hugentobler Profilbild UNOFEX.jpg
Edamey Hugentobler on UNOFEX.jpg

Interview by Deivis H Valdes for UNOFEX  09 /28/ 2020


As part of the UNOFEX Talent Series where we interview outstanding and creative personalities, we recently met up with the Swiss Model and Influencer Edamey Hugentobler in Zurich which made a remarkable career. Within a short time, Edamey has become an inspiration for many people thanks to her naturalness, unique look, diversity and passionate work attitude. In this interview we talked among others, about her strengths and weaknesses, her most difficult photo shoot, how to deal with pressure, COVID-19 and her dreams as a model. 

Edamey Hugentobler Model - UNOFEX - Unio
Edamey Hugentobler Swiss Influencer and

1. How did you decide to be a professional model? Who or what inspired you?

Actually I got into the modeling business by chance. 6 years ago, I was contacted by an international photographer on Instagram for a test shoot. 

At that time I had 300 followers. When I uploaded the pictures of the shooting, I got more and more requests and followers joined in. With about 5000 followers I was asked by a Swiss influencer agency to work with them and only 2 days later I had my first job. I found my passion quickly and I followed my dream. 1.5 years ago, after a lot of effort, ambition and hard work, I was able to start my own business. 


2. What is your greatest strength, as a model?

My diversity and naturalness.


3. What is your greatest weakness, as a model and what are you doing to improve on it?
My hands are my greatest weakness. I often have to concentrate very hard to get them into position. (lol :D)

4. Tell me about your greatest experience as a model.
I honestly do not want to commit myself to one experience. Every job gets my full attention and therefore has the chance to become my new greatest experience.

5. Tell me about your most difficult photo shoot.
My most difficult photo shooting is related to the conditions. I shot in the igloo village in Zermatt at -20 degrees in the whirlpool and there I really reached my limits. But it was a great job and I will always remember it.

6. How do you keep in shape?
I am a very lively person by nature and I was born with good genes. In summer I like swimming in the lake and in winter I can be found on the ski slopes. Besides I still do a little home workout.

7. Would you consider yourself a creative person?
Yes, I am a creative person. Otherwise I would be wrong in my profession.


8. How do you deal in uncomfortable situations?
I try to face and master such situations with composure and professionality. 


9. When entering a new modeling gig, describe how you build relationships with the creative team or your fellow models.

I am very sociable and adaptable. From this point of view I generally have no problems fitting into new teams. Although it is a new challenge every time. But I love that. 


10. How do you deal with pressure?
I am a human being like everyone else. That's why I can deal with pressure sometimes well and sometimes less well. I guess it always depends on the day. 


11. Who do you look up to in the modeling industry? 

Romee Strijd 


12. Where is your favorite place to travel?
I love the sea. So I am almost always there on holiday where the waves kiss the beach. 

Edamey Hugentobler Ibiza.jpg

13. What are your hobbies?
Since I was allowed to turn my hobby into my profession, my private and business life looks pretty much the same. 


14. Let’s discuss the current situation. Are you able to travel and how does the outbreak of Covid-19 affect your career?
Covid-19 has slowed me down a lot this year. My jobs were all cancelled within a week, some of them postponed to 2021. My travel destinations are, like everyone else, quite limited. 

Since July, I have new jobs again, but it is not comparable to the time before Corona. Some of them are cancelled again due to the constantly changing regulations. Because of this I often don't know what is on the agenda tomorrow. 


15. What are your goals and dreams as a model?
Of course further jobs. And I've already had the pleasure of hosting several small events and to give social media courses, which I'd like to expand more. I have also been contacted several times by companies asking me to lead campaigns for them where I could pass on jobs to other influencers. In all these areas I see my future and vocation.
At this point I would also like to mention that I use my reach on social media not only for commercial assignments but also for charity organizations. 


16. What advice would you give someone starting out?
I would advise the person to remain authentic and never lose sight of his or her goal, even if there are detours now and then. 


17. Can you talk a bit about the types of brands that approach you as an influencer?
My passion for beauty, fashion, travel and lifestyle makes me open-minded to work in collaboration with my different types of companies and brands. 


18. How do you distinguish yourself and your content from other influencers on Instagram?
As I do not like to compare myself with other people, there is no clear answer to this question. It has never been my aim to be a copy of another person. I always try to stay true to my line. That is why you will find hardly edited pictures and no filters on my profiles. 

In this sense I keep an online diary about my life, which I share with my valued followers. 


19. How important do you see ethical standards for influencers?

Whenever I receive a job offer, the first thing I look at is whether it fits me and my profile. If this is not the case, I will not accept it, as I guarantee with my name for the job. 

Edamey Hugentobler Swiss Model - UNOFEX.
Edamey Hugentobler Swiss Influencer- UNO




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